Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Spiders Take Over 1st & 2nd Grade!

Our classroom is overun with spiders! The funny thing is the spiders seem to like to crawl on 1st and 2nd grade heads. Take a look:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Brazilian Principals Visit Pioche

Three principals from Brazil and their interpreter visited Pioche Elementary School today. Kindergarten - 6th graders began the morning with a couple of songs, followed by a chance to ask them questions about their country, their schools, and their jobs. Then the principals visited classrooms.

When the principals visited our classroom, 1st and 2nd graders introduced themselves in Portuguese, "Me-o nom-a. . . (my name is. . .)." The principals watched our math lessons and then we had another opportunity to ask questions. Ask your child what he or she learned from the Brazilian principals.

We're Just Batty!

Pioche 1st and 2nd graders are batty! Well, actually they just made bats to hang outside in the hall. Take a look at our colony of bats hanging upside down in our hallway:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Classroom Cares Literacy Program

Pioche 1st and 2nd graders have joined the "Classrooms Cares Literacy Program" sponsored by Scholastic Book Clubs. Each student has pledged to read 10 books by December 17, 2010. Students will note the titles of each book read on a special bookmark they received. When every student in the class has completed his/her pledge, Scholastic Book Clubs and its charity partners will donate one million books to kids in need in all 50 states. It's a great way to encourage reading and a wonderful opportunity to share resources with those in need. Visit www.scholastic.com/ClassroomsCare for more details.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Kind Class!

Pioche 1st and 2nd graders demonstrate acts of kindness throughout the day. Each kind act is written on a green, yellow, or red slip of paper and stapled to our Act of Kindness bulletin board in the room. Since the beginning of school, 1st and 2nd graders have demonstrated 79 acts of kindness. Here are just a few of those acts:

  • 8/18/10 - Alexis gave Paris two of her pencils.
  • 8/19/10 - Kenny helped Garret tie his shoes.
  • 8/24/10 - Josee gave Breanna a pencil topper.
  • 8/31/10 - Breanna gave Garret the pencil topper right off of her pencil.
  • 9/2/10 - Garret offered to fill up Wylee's water bottle.
  • 9/7/10 - Wylee took care of Mrs. Reifsnyder's coat when she left it in the room.
  • 9/9/10 - Paris shared her computer CD with Hagen.
  • 9/14/10 - Tanner shared his Smarties with Garret.
  • 9/15/10 - Harlie gave Tanner her computer.
  • 9/15/10 - Irish offered Tanner a pencil.
  • 9/16/10 - Hagen helped Mrs. Jane put things away and close computer programs at lunchtime.
  • 9/28/10 - Kobe gave up a green apple for a red one since there weren't enough green apples.
  • 10/4/10 - Aria picked up Mrs. Jane's reading book when it fell.

Being kind to others is an important part of our class. I am proud of these 1st and 2nd graders for demonstrating kindness to others.