In honor of our nation's veterans, Pioche 1st and 2nd graders wrote thank you notes and drew pictures. Each student's picture is shown with his/her note immediately below the picture.

Aria wrote: Thank you for serving our country. Love, Aria

Garret says, "Thank you for serving our country for our world."

Hagen wrote: Thank you for serving our country Dad, for fighting for our country. If we lost we would be slaves. I am sorry you broke your chin.

Harlie wrote: Thank you serving for our country.

Irish wrote: Thank you for serving our country.

Jody wrote: Hi. Thank you for serving our country. We appreciate it.

Josee wrote: Thank you for serving our country.

Kenny wrote: Thank you for helping us with the war. You were great. I'm sorry if some people died.

Kobe wrote: Thank you for serving our country.

Alexis wrote: Thank you for serving our country.

Paris wrote: Hi, thank you for saving our country. Thank you. I bet you are okay. You are nice when you saved us in the country. Thank you so much.

Tanner says, "Thank you and I'm glad you're in the army and I'm glad you saved our flag."

Wylee wrote: Thank you for serving our country. Was it a pleasure for you to fight?